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I want to discuss a little bit about faith. Can faith become a dangerous weapon for us humans? Let's say if you are made to believe that if you kill someone, you could go to heaven for it what would you do? Re-evaluate this promise, or just do it because your faith said it's okay to do so? Sadly most people chose the latter to this day.

Wars have been waged in the name of religion for centuries. I find this so sad, because the concept of religion were actually made so that people would fear the laws that are made by their so called 'Gods' and so that people wouldn't dare to break them. However, people would have to choose sides and if they picked a side, they will be promised 'Heaven' and 'Hell' for those who chooses the others (except maybe for Buddhism I believe, who believes that everyone has the right to reach Nirvana). Ironically, we do know that rules are made to be broken. And so some people would take advantage of this loop. They would just re-phrase the laws then use it to their own advantage. These people doesn't have to be smart, just convincing enough to preach and then flocks of people would just believe whatever this person said. Truly, the concept of faith can be dangerous if it falls to type of persons like this.

Now, I'm not saying that having a faith is bad. It's quite good actually. If people always think and act in the name of good faith then the world will actually be a better place to live in. Sadly, this is not the reality we live in. Maybe I just need to have a little faith that a better world will happen someday.


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