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Showing posts from May, 2010

My thoughts on Ibra

Celebrating scoring a rare goal for Sweden. Why does everyone seems to think Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a great striker? I don't. He doesn't deserve to play in a big club like FC Barcelona. His biggest achievements are only winning the league titles everywhere he goes, but always a failure on the european matches (look at Ajax, Juve, Inter and now Barca). He even didn't perform well in the World Cup or any international matches. Let's see him join Arsenal (to make way for Cesc re-joining Barca finally). Maybe he will be the player to help them winning their league title finally, with a cost in the champs league. Or maybe I wanna see him join AS Roma (his favoured choice before Juve and Inter stole him anyway) and bring them as both Serie A champions AND Champions league winner then maybe he'll convinced me. As for now, though. I think Zlatan Ibrahimovic is the most overrated striker in the world. Inter got a great buy in Eto'o. Look at them, they are on cours

John Lennon is a Genius, a Visionary

I always loved John Lennon. A little backstory about him: He was one of the main song writers for the most popular 'little ol' band in the world in The Beatles. His main songwriting partner was Paul McCartney. Even as a child I always loved Lennon's writings. While McCartney's I felt mostly wrote ballad, or love songs for the ladies (however I love Hey Jude). After quitting the Beatles, I thought Lennon has gone insane. He became a bold person, he speaks nonsense mostly, I didn't understand it. Until today.. I TOTALLY gets what he meant now. I understand that he was suppressing all his feelings and then when he quit the Beatles finally, he let it all out. I'm going to show you his brilliant songs to understand what He and I think alike about. Enjoy the lyrics from the great mind of John Lennon. If you want you could hear the tune from Youtube while reading the lyrics. That's just how I roll, baby. Imagine by John Lennon Imagine there's no Heaven It's

Why I Changed My Mind About Clash of the Titans

First, I would like to make an apology. To the filmmakers of the remake of Clash of the Titans. I think I may have a hand on spreading a bad word about the movie. It turns out I know the real reason why I didn't like the movie. It was all about religion. And I will explain. As some of you know, I'm having my crisis of faith right now. I began believeing that "Is there such a thing as a perfect person? No one is perfect. People have flaws.." So, I chose to defy my Gods. Now what is the connection between Clash of the Titans? Here's why, first I was still pissed off that they changed the story around. It was suppose to be the adventures of Perseus winning Andromeda's hand in marriage, while battling monsters such as the Gorgon Medusa and a Sea Monster. In the movie, however. It was a personal battle against Perseus and a God. He was Hades. In real life Hades is a neutral figure. Now I understood the message of the movie. Perseus chose to defy the Gods with all

2010 - The Death of World Cup?

World Cup usually excites a lot of people. People who usually didn't watch football, watched. It's that kind of magic. However, I think this year the trends are showing that's it's going to be one-boring-results-based-football. Why do you think? Let's analyse.. Marcello Lippi, Carlos Dunga, Raymond Domenech what do they have in common? Sure they are football managers. But when I saw the announcement of the provision squads for the World Cup, I was shocked to the least. Firstly, Lippi. Lippi of Italy didn't called up flair based players like: Cassano, Totti (don't want him to go anyway), Miccolli, or even Balotelli. Why is this important? This means the squad will be based on robot-types of football. There's no element of unpredictability amongst them. They will score 1 and then they will sit back and soak up the pressure a la Mourinho. Worrying? Secondly, Dunga. He also left out Ronaldinho. One of the creatives. Sure they still have Kaka and Robinho. But

My Goals in 5 Years.

An anonymous special someone asked me to draw my goals in the next 5 years. They will be my family, goals, finance, faith and health. This is for myself to read everyday and for you to know ;) Family : In 5 years I see myself as a head of a family with a beautiful and lovely wife who will be the mother of my childrens. I want 4 children by this time :P. Their names will be: Francesco, Totti, Gabriel, Roberto. Goals : In 5 years I see myself living in a land of dream, which is not Indonesia. And finding myself in a big games company like: Santa Monica Studios, EA Sports, Konami Sports, Bethesda and my dream job: Rockstar North. I will be making a top high benchmark action adventure game. This is one of my passion. Gaming. Finance : I will be financially freed of my parents, while taking care of them so that they would have they're 2nd, 3rd or 4th honeymoon. I will have a finance consultant to manage my hefty accounts. Faith : In 5 years I hope I will be able to finally make pe

Claudio Ranieri : Julius Caesar?

Did you know about Julius Caesar? Let me tell you a little story. Caesar was a famous general from the Republic of Rome. He idolizes Alexander the Great. It was said that he wept at Alexander's tomb seeing he was 32 at the time and haven't done anything drastic. Alexander conquered the world at the age of 25. He finally oust his partner, Pompeus and drove him out of Rome. Which resulted that Pompeus was killed. Caesar has a trusted right hand man in Marc Anthony who was a fearsome general himself. Caesar finally ruled as a lifetime dictator in the republic of Rome. Whilts installing Mark Antony in the senate to help him instilling fear in the senate. Caesar's rule finally ended when he was brutally murdered in the senate, when Mark Antony was being held outside. Caesar installed his great Nephew, Gaius Octavian as his heir. There were civil war after Caesar's rule ended. The protagonists were Octavian, who has changed his name to Augustus Caesar against Marc Antony and

Why Heracles? part 2

Due to popular demand I will start with Heracles' twelve labour journeys. First Labour The cowardly king orders Heracles to kill the Nemean Lion. While also hoping that Heracles would be killed by it. But you and me know that Heracles isn't that weak. He killed two snakes as a baby! By the Gods! Here's the catch, the Lion is invulnerable to all weapons. So he had to kill it with his bare hands. And guess what? He did it. He even skinned the Lion and wear it at all times as his cloak. When he returned to the king, he was so terrified at Heracles' appearances so he hid. Second Labour. Heracles had to kill the Hydra as shown as this picture over here. Do you think he made it? What were you thinking? Of course he did! But how? You and me know that when Hydra's head was dismembered two will grow at its place. So Heracles had a little help. After dismembering one of its head, his follower Iolaus managed to burn the wounds with fire so it won't grow again. So, Heracles

Interesting Revelations

By: Albertus Rai Gunawan Putra He is one of the smartest guy I know. We had so many discussions together. Here are the transcript of one of our interesting topic of conversations. I merely wants to encourage him to start writing again. Here's how it goes: Imagine you have a company that heavily taxed by gov.. and you refused to give up and still in business of course you have to make profitt and that profit could not be lower because of the tax.. otherwise your investors will run right? so common sense kicks in... gov should not taxed tobacco heavily.. it just makes things worse.. either taxed accordingly or banned completely.. right 5:19pm Albertus reduce cost.. how to reduce a cost where most of the productions are already handled by robots anyway.. 5:19pm Me you should put this in your blog 5:19pm Albertus you need to use a cheaper tobacco right.. you can put it in your blog.. but... a cheaper tobacco wil not give the same flavour.. so you will add chemicals to cre

God of War - The Story so far..

Inspired by the video game with the same name. This is the story. For you Putri. My loyal reader :) P.s. Massive Spoilers if you haven't finished the game!! Read at your own peril. Part 1 Kratos was an young and brave spartan general one day he faced death against a barbarian king so he asked the god of war, Ares for help Ares granted his wish Ares gave Kratos Blades of Chaos as a form of help. he killed the barbarian king and become Ares' tool he became power hungry and bloodthirsty in the end Ares wants him to kill his family so he wouldn't have anymore feelings and become ares' full time right hand man after killing his own family, he realized what he had done he asked for Athena for atonement Athena said if you help me defend athens against Ares, I will forgive your sins Kratos finaly kills Ares with a little help of Pandora's box and from the Gods who have enough of Ares' rash actions. Which was Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hades and even Zeus himself lege

Why Heracles?

For my first official post, I will tell you why I chose Heracles as my alias. I love greek mythology. Heracles which means "Glory of Hera" was a great hero at his time. I truly admire this person. He was a demi god because he is the bastard son of Zeus with an virgin mortal woman named Alcmene. Heracles was the symbol for the ultimate masculinity. I will try to tell the story with a little help from timeless myths. While Alcmene's husband was away on duty, Zeus being the horn dog he is chose to resemble the husband who then impregnate her with his godly seed. When the real husband returned they made love as well. Alcmene probably thought "By the Gods is he happy today or what?" but the husband was disappointed because he left his wife a virgin and she isn't anymore. After the mystery cleared, she then was pregnant with twins. By this time Zeus predicted that one day he will have another mortal son who would become a king like his previous famous bastard son,

Welcome to my blog.

Welcome, you are in for a treat. My name is Arie, Heracles is my alias. and I will be writing mostly about my hobbies and interests which are: Football (AS Roma), Video Games, Movies and Music and probably some personal projects. I hope you will enjoy reading it just like I enjoyed writing it. Grazie and Bueno Serra.