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2010 - The Death of World Cup?

World Cup usually excites a lot of people. People who usually didn't watch football, watched. It's that kind of magic. However, I think this year the trends are showing that's it's going to be one-boring-results-based-football. Why do you think? Let's analyse..

Marcello Lippi, Carlos Dunga, Raymond Domenech what do they have in common? Sure they are football managers. But when I saw the announcement of the provision squads for the World Cup, I was shocked to the least.

Firstly, Lippi. Lippi of Italy didn't called up flair based players like: Cassano, Totti (don't want him to go anyway), Miccolli, or even Balotelli. Why is this important? This means the squad will be based on robot-types of football. There's no element of unpredictability amongst them. They will score 1 and then they will sit back and soak up the pressure a la Mourinho. Worrying?

Secondly, Dunga. He also left out Ronaldinho. One of the creatives. Sure they still have Kaka and Robinho. But who's their options if they didn't play well in a match? None worth mentioning. And Brazil have been playing boringly since Dunga took control.

Thirdly, Domenech the French manager. He left out Benzema, Nasri and Menez was his biggest crime. Sure Benzema is not considered a starter in Real Madrid. But the kid's got skills. Worrying trends indeed.

However people, there is still hope for football after all. Spain will be the most exciting team to watch. They have exciting players like, Cesc Fabregas, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Fernando Torres and finally David Villa. I hope they will make it to the final squad and wins the world cup to show the cowards how football is played properly. Viva La Espana!!


  1. sadly this is what modern football has becomes, team build around a mentality of winning instead of winning by playing well.

    but I must disagree with you on one things, I'm still going for Italy but I believe their chance is even slimmer than 2006. Their key players are Buffon, Chiellini, De Rossi, Marchisio, Di Natale and Pazzini!

    They still have Rossi who I believe is a skillful player with flair but lacking in experience, I am hoping he will put Rossi as a starter or Italy will be much more predictable than Black or White!

  2. Yeah they still have hope. However did you watch their qualifying matches? Wasn't pretty..

  3. Domenech doesnt deserve to be mentioned haha. He is officially the crappiest coach at WC. I think there are gonna be a few surprises at WC. Maybe France & Argentina crashing out at group stage?

  4. No comment on this one man, I'm clueless when it comes to football hahahaha

  5. @Indra: Haha just join in man! World Cup is where all the magic happens. Usually.

    @Mr.T : True, I was merely giving an example because they are all similar. Cowards. Yeah that would happen I suppose. However I want Messi to do well in WC. I rooted him all year long.


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