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Welcome to my blog.

Welcome, you are in for a treat. My name is Arie, Heracles is my alias. and I will be writing mostly about my hobbies and interests which are: Football (AS Roma), Video Games, Movies and Music and probably some personal projects. I hope you will enjoy reading it just like I enjoyed writing it. Grazie and Bueno Serra.


  1. So you've got a new blog which talks about your hobbies and interest, with your Greek-mythology alias huh? hahaha congrats man. Looking forward to your next piece.

    Oh, and get a theme :)

  2. this theme gue suka man.. resemble warna as roma a bit.. cocok sama mozilla gue yg roman themed.. hahaha

  3. rie..follow blog gue donk..loe ke blog gue trus follow friend..

    what's with the indonesian language though

  4. oke. Cara gantinya gimana sih?

  5. guys I've posted the reason why I chose the name. The part 1 that is..

  6. Now join twitter and feed your blog post to twitter LoL

  7. erm gimana caranya man? ajarin donk..

  8. Check twitterfeed here and for short instruction, check this out:

    Make sure you follow my twitter (indragm) so I can follow you back :)


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