He is one of the smartest guy I know. We had so many discussions together. Here are the transcript of one of our interesting topic of conversations. I merely wants to encourage him to start writing again. Here's how it goes:
Imagine you have a company that heavily taxed by gov..
and you refused to give up and still in business
of course you have to make profitt and that profit could not be lower because of the tax..
otherwise your investors will run right?
so common sense kicks in...
gov should not taxed tobacco heavily..
it just makes things worse..
either taxed accordingly or banned completely..
reduce cost..
how to reduce a cost where most of the productions are already handled by robots anyway..
you should put this in your blog
you need to use a cheaper tobacco right..
you can put it in your blog..
a cheaper tobacco wil not give the same flavour..
so you will add chemicals to create the Full Flavour back...
the ciggie companies called it as The Special Sauce or Blend..
whatever makes you happy..
the result..
more lung cancer..
more disease and stuff..
common sense, more chemical, more things into your health...
if tobacco by itself is bad...
why fidel ol' castro has not died..
he smokes cigar.. which is wrapped by a full tobacco leaf.. and no filters..
how on earth if tobacco is bad... that thing has not killed him long long time ago>??
well it is...
The truth is.. Tobacco is not for everyone..
But this ciggie company makes tobacco into different flavours and blend so it could be smoke by everyone..
if you choke and dislike the taste of a Cigar... it means that you can't
cope with tobacco..
Means that if you can't even take a pure tobacco because you body rejecting it, than you should not take those even flavoured one..it just kills you...
Make sense kan explanation gua..
napa tadi?
Bukti nyata selain fidel castro..
opah gua paru2nya sehat2 aja..
padahal smokes till his death..
kalo yg passive smoker itu gimana man?
passive smoker emank nasib...
tapi ada good news.
menurut gua, passive smoker as long as ngga continously in dense smoke..
dia ngga kenapa2.. soalnya pretty much it is just like another pollution and they are just inhaling a light air of tobacco..
filter itu yg gua rasa berbahaya...
and the active smoker is the worst affected..
Gini dech..
Kalo misalnya passive smoker is worst off..., mesinya banyakan yg mati people in majority donk...
tapi kan ngga..
emank sue nya jadi passive smoker.. loe bisa kena lung cancer padahal ngga ngokar.. kan betenya seubun2...
haha iya bete abis!
let's smoke together or not at all..
but if you do smoke.. make sure it is the top notch quality...
at least you will make it until as old as Fidel
not that bad after all..
who finds you attractive anyway when you are 80 something...
mesti cuban cigars donk ya
Interesting topic? Me thinks so. Catch you guys later with more love for Heracles. Next: Claudio Ranieri : Julius Caesar? and then.. Alexander The Great! Stay tuned.
Good one... Yeah I think I should.. Well I just need a new keyboard and get it started.. Thanks Rie..
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure mate.