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Why Heracles?

For my first official post, I will tell you why I chose Heracles as my alias.

I love greek mythology. Heracles which means "Glory of Hera" was a great hero at his time. I truly admire this person. He was a demi god because he is the bastard son of Zeus with an virgin mortal woman named Alcmene. Heracles was the symbol for the ultimate masculinity. I will try to tell the story with a little help from timeless myths.

While Alcmene's husband was away on duty, Zeus being the horn dog he is chose to resemble the husband who then impregnate her with his godly seed. When the real husband returned they made love as well. Alcmene probably thought "By the Gods is he happy today or what?" but the husband was disappointed because he left his wife a virgin and she isn't anymore. After the mystery cleared, she then was pregnant with twins. By this time Zeus predicted that one day he will have another mortal son who would become a king like his previous famous bastard son, Perseus. So, his wife Hera then tricked Zeus into holding this promise whilst devising a plan.. During birth, Hera being the Goddess of birth and marriage made another woman gave birth to a mortal son, while holding Heracles back so he would not become king. Zeus was furious but he had to kept his promise. So he made the other son king, Alcmene's maiden saw that there was trouble in the birthing process, she then tricked Hera into thinking that Heracles has been borne, and so Heracles was then born with another twin by his side. During birth he was named Alcaeus.

Furious at being tricked by mortals Hera then sent two snakes to kill the infants in the cribs. The family panicked at the situation. But Alcaeus even so mighty from as a baby, killed the snakes as he mistook its as toys. The family was stunned, they realised this child is a son of God indeed.. Alcmene fearing Hera's wrath, abandoned her infant in the woods. Athena rescued the infant and brought the baby to Hera. Athena managed to persuade or dupe Hera into nursing the infant. Hera allowed the baby (Heracles) to suckle on one of her breasts, until the child bit very hard on her nipple. The goddess pushed the baby away from her nipple, spilling her milk across the heaven, forming the Milky Way. (So that was how this galaxy was created!)

The goddess told Athena to give the baby back to her mother to nurse. Athena returned child back to Alcmene, telling the mother to rear her own child. The irony of this situation is that Hera had actually saved her hated stepson's life by breast feeding him from her own breast.

Alcaeus grew into a very strong young man. But had bad temper. He was trained in the art of chariots, fencing, archery, music and two of the messenger God Hermes' sons taught him wrestling and boxing. By this time he was renamed as Heracles, which further enrages Hera. When one of his music teacher struck him for discipline, Heracles retaliates by giving a blow to his head which killed him instantly. His father had to send him away to tend some sheep to calm things down.
While tending the sheep, Heracles killed a lion with his bare hands. A Spartan king managed to hear of this feat and was very impressed. He gave Heracles a total of fifty days to impregnated all his 50 daughters. Heracles duly obliged. And had a total of 51 sons from the daughters. That was why Spartan kings tends to say that they are the direct descendant from Heracles..

During this time Heracles managed to raised an army to help the king of Thebes. As a reward, he hands his daughter Megara to Heracles for marriage. Megara bore him three sons. Hera, still angry at Heracles managed to drive him insane, which resulted him killing all his family. Athena managed to made some sense to Heracles but it was too late.. Heracles was so shocked at what he had done to his own family. That ladies and gents are what you call a Greek Tragedy. Heracles distraught by his sins sets to atone it. He consults with an oracle which told him that he needs to serve his cowardly cousin king. The king then sent him to do 10 highly impossible labours.

To be continued..


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